Robotics & Autonomous Systems,
Royal Military Academy
Avenue De La Renaissance 30, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
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Email: Emmanouil.Maroulis@mil.be
Emmanouil “Manos" is a robotics researcher at the Robotics & Autonomous Systems unit of the Department of Mechanics of the Belgian Royal Military Academy.
He obtained two MSc diplomas in electrical & computer engineering at University of Thessaly in 2021 and 2023 respectively.
While finalizing his first MSc studies, he started working at Network Implementation Testbed Laboratory where he undertook projects for throughput optimization between UAVs, UAV mesh network optimization and fault tolerant distributed systems. Also, he developed several autonomous ground/aerial vehicles, which included programming, sensor integration/hardware setup.
In 2023, Manos joined the Belgian Royal Military Academy to participate in the iCUGS project, responsible for developing hybrid methods for traversability analysis, local swarming algorithms and an air to ground map workflow for UGVs.
- G. De Cubber, E. Le Flécher, A. La Grappe, E. Ghisoni, E. Maroulis, P. Ouendo, D. Hawari, and D. Doroftei, “Dual Use Security Robotics: A Demining, Resupply and Reconnaissance Use Case," in IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, 2023.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]@inproceedings{ssrr2023decubber, title={Dual Use Security Robotics: A Demining, Resupply and Reconnaissance Use Case}, author={De Cubber, Geert and Le Flécher, Emile and La Grappe, Alexandre and Ghisoni, Enzo and Maroulis, Emmanouil and Ouendo, Pierre-Edouard and Hawari, Danial and Doroftei, Daniela}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics}, editors ={Kimura, Tetsuya}, publisher = {IEEE}, year = {2023}, vol = {1}, project = {AIDED, iMUGs, CUGS}, location = {Fukushima, Japan}, unit= {meca-ras}, doi = {}, url={https://mecatron.rma.ac.be/pub/2023/SSRR2023-DeCubber.pdf} }
- E. Ghisoni, S. Govindaraj, A. M. C. Faul{‘i}, G. De Cubber, F. Polisano, N. Aouf, D. Rondao, Z. Chekakta, and B. de Waard, “Multi-agent system and AI for Explosive Ordnance Disposal," in 19th International Symposium Mine Action, 2023, p. 26.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]@inproceedings{ghisonimulti, title={Multi-agent system and AI for Explosive Ordnance Disposal}, author={Ghisoni, Enzo and Govindaraj, Shashank and Faul{\'\i}, Ana Mar{\'\i}a Casado and De Cubber, Geert and Polisano, Fabio and Aouf, Nabil and Rondao, Duarte and Chekakta, Zakaria and de Waard, Bob}, booktitle={19th International Symposium Mine Action}, publisher = {CEIA}, year = {2023}, project = {AIDED}, location = {Croatia}, unit= {meca-ras}, url={https://www.ctro.hr/userfiles/files/MINE-ACTION-2023_.pdf}, pages={26} }
- E. Ghisoni and G. De Cubber, “AIDED: Robotics & Artificial Intelligence for Explosive Ordnance Disposal," in International Workshop on Robotics for risky interventions and Environmental Surveillance-Maintenance (VRISE), Les Bons Villers, Belgium, 2022.
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
This paper presents an overview of the AIDED project on AI for IED detection.
@InProceedings{ghisoni2022a, author = {Ghisoni, Enzo and De Cubber, Geert}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Robotics for risky interventions and Environmental Surveillance-Maintenance (VRISE)}, title = {AIDED: Robotics & Artificial Intelligence for Explosive Ordnance Disposal}, year = {2022}, month = jun, organization = {IMEKO}, publisher = {IMEKO}, address = {Les Bons Villers, Belgium}, url = {https://www.ici-belgium.be/registration-and-program-vrise2022-june-7/}, abstract = {This paper presents an overview of the AIDED project on AI for IED detection.}, project = {AIDED}, unit= {meca-ras} }