As Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) or drones become more and more available, law enforcement agencies find themselves confronted with the novel task of having to police the access to the lower airspace. Commercial providers have already developed a wide range of solutions to this extent, but the capabilities of these systems are hard to benchmark. The result is that end-users have a hard time in matching the right tools to the specific use cases that they encounter.
In order to remedy this situation, the COURAGEOUS project will develop a standardized test methodology for detection, tracking and identification systems. This standardized test methodology will be based upon a series of standard user-defined scenarios representing a wide set of use cases (e.g. prison & airport security, critical infrastructure protection, border security, drugs & human trafficking, etc). For these scenarios, operational needs & functional performance requirements will be extracted by the COURAGEOUS end-users. Using this information, an integral test methodology will be developed that allows for a fair qualitative and quantitative comparison between different counter-UAS systems. This test methodology will be validated during three user-scripted validation trials.

Project Publications
- P. Petsioti, M. Zyczkowski, K. Brewczyski, K. Cichulski, K. Kaminski, R. Razvan, A. Mohamoud, C. Church, A. Koniaris, G. De Cubber, and D. Doroftei, “Methodological Approach for the Development of Standard C-UAS Scenarios," Open Research Europe, vol. 4, iss. 240, 2024.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF] [DOI]@Article{ 10.12688/openreseurope.18339.1, AUTHOR = {Petsioti, P. and Zyczkowski, M. and Brewczyski, K. and Cichulski, K. and Kaminski, K. and Razvan, R. and Mohamoud, A. and Church, C. and Koniaris, A. and De Cubber, G. and Doroftei, D.}, TITLE = {Methodological Approach for the Development of Standard C-UAS Scenarios}, JOURNAL = {Open Research Europe}, VOLUME = {4}, YEAR = {2024}, NUMBER = {240}, DOI = {10.12688/openreseurope.18339.1}, URL = {https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/articles/4-240/v1}, unit= {meca-ras}, project= {COURAGEOUS} }
- K. D. Brewczyński, M. Życzkowski, K. Cichulski, K. A. Kamiński, P. Petsioti, and G. De Cubber, “Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of Modern Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems," Remote Sensing, vol. 16, iss. 19, 2024.
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF] [DOI]
Given the growing threat posed by the widespread availability of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), which can be utilised for various unlawful activities, the need for a standardised method to evaluate the effectiveness of systems capable of detecting, tracking, and identifying (DTI) these devices has become increasingly urgent. This article draws upon research conducted under the European project COURAGEOUS, where 260 existing drone detection systems were analysed, and a methodology was developed for assessing the suitability of C-UASs in relation to specific threat scenarios. The article provides an overview of the most commonly employed technologies in C-UASs, such as radars, visible light cameras, thermal imaging cameras, laser range finders (lidars), and acoustic sensors. It explores the advantages and limitations of each technology, highlighting their reliance on different physical principles, and also briefly touches upon the legal implications associated with their deployment. The article presents the research framework and provides a structural description, alongside the functional and performance requirements, as well as the defined metrics. Furthermore, the methodology for testing the usability and effectiveness of individual C-UAS technologies in addressing specific threat scenarios is elaborated. Lastly, the article offers a concise list of prospective research directions concerning the analysis and evaluation of these technologies.
@Article{rs16193714, AUTHOR = {Brewczyński, Konrad D. and Życzkowski, Marek and Cichulski, Krzysztof and Kamiński, Kamil A. and Petsioti, Paraskevi and De Cubber, Geert}, TITLE = {Methods for Assessing the Effectiveness of Modern Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems}, JOURNAL = {Remote Sensing}, VOLUME = {16}, YEAR = {2024}, NUMBER = {19}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {3714}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/16/19/3714}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, ABSTRACT = {Given the growing threat posed by the widespread availability of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), which can be utilised for various unlawful activities, the need for a standardised method to evaluate the effectiveness of systems capable of detecting, tracking, and identifying (DTI) these devices has become increasingly urgent. This article draws upon research conducted under the European project COURAGEOUS, where 260 existing drone detection systems were analysed, and a methodology was developed for assessing the suitability of C-UASs in relation to specific threat scenarios. The article provides an overview of the most commonly employed technologies in C-UASs, such as radars, visible light cameras, thermal imaging cameras, laser range finders (lidars), and acoustic sensors. It explores the advantages and limitations of each technology, highlighting their reliance on different physical principles, and also briefly touches upon the legal implications associated with their deployment. The article presents the research framework and provides a structural description, alongside the functional and performance requirements, as well as the defined metrics. Furthermore, the methodology for testing the usability and effectiveness of individual C-UAS technologies in addressing specific threat scenarios is elaborated. Lastly, the article offers a concise list of prospective research directions concerning the analysis and evaluation of these technologies.}, DOI = {10.3390/rs16193714}, unit= {meca-ras}, project= {COURAGEOUS}, url={https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/16/19/3714} }
- A. Borghgraef, M. Vandewal, and G. De Cubber, “COURAGEOUS: test methods for counter-UAS systems," in In Proceedings SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Target and Background Signatures X: Traditional Methods and Artificial Intelligence, 2024, p. 131990D.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF] [DOI]@inproceedings{spie_alex, title={COURAGEOUS: test methods for counter-UAS systems}, author={Borghgraef, Alexander and Vandewal, Marijke and De Cubber, Geert}, year={2024}, booktitle={In Proceedings SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Target and Background Signatures X: Traditional Methods and Artificial Intelligence}, publisher = {SPIE}, location = {Edinburgh, United Kingdom}, unit= {meca-ras, ciss}, project= {COURAGEOUS}, volume = {13199}, editor = {Karin Stein and Ric Schleijpen}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, publisher = {SPIE}, pages = {131990D}, keywords = {counter-UAS, drone, border protection, standardization, measurement campaign, law enforcement, DTI, evaluation methods}, doi = {10.1117/12.3030928}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3030928} }
- G. De Cubber, P. Petsioti, R. Roman, A. Mohamoud, I. Maza, and C. Church, “The COURAGEOUS project efforts towards standardized test methods for assessing the performance of counter-drone solutions," in In Proceedings 11th biennial Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, 2023, p. 44.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]@inproceedings{decubbercuas2023, title={The COURAGEOUS project efforts towards standardized test methods for assessing the performance of counter-drone solutions}, author={De Cubber, Geert and Petsioti, Petsioti and Roman, Razvan and Mohamoud, Ali and Maza, Ivan and Church, Christopher}, booktitle={In Proceedings 11th biennial Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons}, publisher = {European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons}, year = {2023}, location = {Brussels, Belgium}, unit= {meca-ras}, url={https://mecatron.rma.ac.be/pub/2024/Towards%20standardized%20test%20methods%20for%20assessing%20the%20performance%20of%20counter-drone%20solutions.pdf}, pages={44}, project= {COURAGEOUS} }
- T. Halleux, T. Nguyen, C. Hamesse, G. De Cubber, and B. Janssens, “Visual Drone Detection and Tracking for Autonomous Operation from Maritime Vessel," in Proceedings of TC17-ISMCR2022 – A Topical Event of Technical Committee on Measurement and Control of Robotics (TC17), International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), Theme: “Robotics and Virtual Tools for a New Era", 2022.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF] [DOI]@INPROCEEDINGS{ismcr2022_1, author={Halleux, Timothy and Nguyen, Tien-Thanh and Hamesse, Charles and De Cubber, Geert and Janssens, Bart}, booktitle={Proceedings of TC17-ISMCR2022 - A Topical Event of Technical Committee on Measurement and Control of Robotics (TC17), International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), Theme: "Robotics and Virtual Tools for a New Era"}, title={Visual Drone Detection and Tracking for Autonomous Operation from Maritime Vessel}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, url={https://mecatron.rma.ac.be/pub/2022/ISMCR-Drone_detection_tracking_FullPaper.pdf}, project={MarLand, COURAGEOUS}, publisher={IMEKO}, address={}, doi={10.5281/zenodo.7074445}, month={September}, unit= {meca-ras} }