Senior Researcher
Robotics & Autonomous Systems,
Royal Military Academy
Graaf Jansdijk 1, 8380 Brugge
Contact Information
Call: +32-(0)2-44-30613
Email: Sonia.Papili@mil.be
Sonia Papili is a researcher at the Robotics & Autonomous Systems unit of the department of Mechanics of the Belgian Royal Military Academy. Her research tackles different aspects related to the impact of the seafloor environment on mine counter measure.
Sonia Papili has received her master diploma in Geology in Rome in 2002. In 2007 she started as PhD student at RCMG in Ghent University. Contemporarily, she started working at the Material Department of the Ministry of Defence with a project supported by IRSD studying the sand dynamics evolution in relation to sea-mine.
Within the Robotics & Autonomous Systems unit, she will focus on methodologies for rapid seafloor characterisation of the Belgian Coastal Zone and on the application of a data centric approach for data management, in the framework of the DISCIMBA project.
Nationally, she actively collaborates with colleagues in RMA and other Belgian Institutions such as RBINS or FOD Economie. Internationally she collaborates with universities and research institutes such as University of Colorado Boulder in USA or WTD 71 in Germany.
She has a large experience in offshore data collection and analysis. She served as chief scientist for offshore campaigns.
She is nowadays the responsible of a NATO Specialist Team of the UWWCG investigated the Biological Impact on Naval Mine Warfare.
Since 2014 is Sonia an active reviewer for the US Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program’s (SERDP).
- C. J. Jenkins and S. Papili, “Potential UXO seabed migration in the German Bight," Hydrographische Nachrichten, vol. 116, pp. 72-76, 2020.
[BibTeX] [DOI]@article{sonia01, title={Potential UXO seabed migration in the German Bight}, author={Jenkins, C.J. and Papili, S.}, journal={Hydrographische Nachrichten}, volume={116}, pages={72-76}, year={2020}, month={06}, doi={10.23784/HN116-11}, project = {DISCIMBA}, publisher={Elsevier} }
- P. S., D. Y., and V. L. V., “Marine ecosystem engineers: a challenge for mine countermeasure," in Conference Proceedings of 5th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition, 2019.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{sonia02, title={Marine ecosystem engineers: a challenge for mine countermeasure}, author={Papili S. and Dupont Y. and Van Lancker V.}, booktitle={Conference Proceedings of 5th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition}, issn={2408-0195}, year={2019}, project = {DISCIMBA}, organization={UACE} }
- P. S. and D. Y., “Shells and shell fragments as modifiers of sediments behavior," in International Meeting of Sedimentology – Book of abstracts, 2017, p. 676.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{sonia03, title={Shells and shell fragments as modifiers of sediments behavior}, author={Papili S. and Dupont Y.}, booktitle={International Meeting of Sedimentology - Book of abstracts}, pages={676}, project = {DISCIMBA}, year={2017} }
- P. S. and L. O., “High frequency response on seafloor signature: structure for an innovative methodology for modern monitoring," in North Sea Open Science Conference, 2016.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{sonia04, title={High frequency response on seafloor signature: structure for an innovative methodology for modern monitoring}, author={Papili. S. and Lopera. O. }, booktitle={North Sea Open Science Conference}, project = {DISCIMBA}, year={2016} }
- L. O. and Papili., “An introductory study of the impact of environmental parameters in the performances of imaging sonar systems," in OCEANS, 2016.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{sonia05, title={An introductory study of the impact of environmental parameters in the performances of imaging sonar systems}, author={Lopera O. and Papili.}, booktitle={OCEANS}, year={2016}, project = {DISCIMBA}, publisher={MTS IEEE} }
- W. Th. and P. S., “New strategy for predictions bedform migration," in Fifth international Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics., 2016, pp. 200-204.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{sonia06, title={New strategy for predictions bedform migration}, author={Wever Th. and Papili S.}, booktitle={Fifth international Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics.}, year={2016}, pages={200-204}, editor={Van Landeghem K. and Garlan R. and Baas J. }, project = {DISCIMBA}, publisher={MARIDV} }
- P. S., J. C., R. M., W. T., L. O., and V. L. V., “Influence of Shells and Shell Debris on Backscatter Strength: Investigation using modelling, sonar measurements and sampling on the Belgian Continental Shelf," in Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 2015.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{sonia07, title={Influence of Shells and Shell Debris on Backscatter Strength: Investigation using modelling, sonar measurements and sampling on the Belgian Continental Shelf}, author={Papili S. and Jenkins C. and Roche M. and Wever T. and Lopera O. and Van Lancker V.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics}, project = {DISCIMBA}, year={2015}, volume={37}, part={1} }
- S. Papili, T. Wever, Y. Dupont, and V. Van Lancker, “Storm influence on the burial of objects in a shallow sandy shelf environment," Marine Geology, vol. 349, pp. 61-72, 2014.
[BibTeX] [DOI]@article{sonia08, title={Storm influence on the burial of objects in a shallow sandy shelf environment}, author={Papili, S. and Wever, T and Dupont, Y. and Van Lancker, V.}, journal={Marine Geology}, volume={349}, pages={61-72}, year={2014}, doi={10.1016/j.margeo.2014.01.004}, project = {DISCIMBA}, publisher={Elsevier} }