This project is about the use of Artificial Intelligence for the detection of explosive devices. The armed conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria have seen a dramatic rise in the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and landmines by adversaries. In operations in those countries, 50% of soldier deaths in action are directly related to IEDs.
AIDED will use a set of state of the art Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms able to identify unconventional (IEDs) and conventional (buried mines) explosive devices, and autonomously plan offline and run-time missions plans. It will also provide positioning, navigation and mapping to control a fleet of robots that cooperate quickly to identify a safe passage in a high-risk area.

Project Publications
- Z. Chekakta, N. Aouf, S. Govindaraj, F. Polisano, and G. De Cubber, “Towards Learning-Based Distributed Task Allocation Approach for Multi-Robot System," in 2024 10th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), 2024, pp. 34-39.
[BibTeX] [DOI]@INPROCEEDINGS{10553196, author={Chekakta, Zakaria and Aouf, Nabil and Govindaraj, Shashank and Polisano, Fabio and De Cubber, Geert}, booktitle={2024 10th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA)}, title={Towards Learning-Based Distributed Task Allocation Approach for Multi-Robot System}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={34-39}, keywords={Sequential analysis;Automation;Accuracy;Robot kinematics;Prediction algorithms;Approximation algorithms;Resource management;Task Allocation;Multirobot System;Distributed Algorithms;Graph Convolutional Neural Networks}, doi={10.1109/ICARA60736.2024.10553196}, unit= {meca-ras}, project= {AIDED} }
- K. Hasselmann, M. Malizia, R. Caballero, F. Polisano, S. Govindaraj, J. Stigler, O. Ilchenko, M. Bajic, and G. De Cubber, “A multi-robot system for the detection of explosive devices," in “IEEE ICRA Workshop on Field Robotics", 2024.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF] [DOI]@inproceedings{Hasselmannetal2024ICRAWSFRO, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2404.14167}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.14167}, booktitle = {"IEEE ICRA Workshop on Field Robotics"}, author = {Hasselmann, Ken and Malizia, Mario and Caballero, Rafael and Polisano, Fabio and Govindaraj, Shashank and Stigler, Jakob and Ilchenko, Oleksii and Bajic, Milan and De Cubber, Geert}, title = {A multi-robot system for the detection of explosive devices}, year = {2024}, unit= {meca-ras}, project= {AIDED, AIDEDEX} }
- M. Kegeleirs, D. G. Ramos, K. Hasselmann, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, and M. Birattari, “Transferability in the automatic off-line design of robot swarms: from sim-to-real to embodiment and design-method transfer across different platforms," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF] [DOI]@article{kegeleirs2024transferability, title={Transferability in the automatic off-line design of robot swarms: from sim-to-real to embodiment and design-method transfer across different platforms}, author={Kegeleirs, Miquel and Ramos, David Garz{\'o}n and Hasselmann, Ken and Garattoni, Lorenzo and Francesca, Gianpiero and Birattari, Mauro}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, year={2024}, doi={https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2024.3360013}, url={https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10416330}, publisher={IEEE}, unit= {meca-ras}, project= {AIDEDEX} }
- G. De Cubber, E. Le Flécher, A. La Grappe, E. Ghisoni, E. Maroulis, P. Ouendo, D. Hawari, and D. Doroftei, “Dual Use Security Robotics: A Demining, Resupply and Reconnaissance Use Case," in IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, 2023.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]@inproceedings{ssrr2023decubber, title={Dual Use Security Robotics: A Demining, Resupply and Reconnaissance Use Case}, author={De Cubber, Geert and Le Flécher, Emile and La Grappe, Alexandre and Ghisoni, Enzo and Maroulis, Emmanouil and Ouendo, Pierre-Edouard and Hawari, Danial and Doroftei, Daniela}, booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics}, editors ={Kimura, Tetsuya}, publisher = {IEEE}, year = {2023}, vol = {1}, project = {AIDED, iMUGs, CUGS}, location = {Fukushima, Japan}, unit= {meca-ras}, doi = {}, url={https://mecatron.rma.ac.be/pub/2023/SSRR2023-DeCubber.pdf} }
- E. Ghisoni, S. Govindaraj, A. M. C. Faul{‘i}, G. De Cubber, F. Polisano, N. Aouf, D. Rondao, Z. Chekakta, and B. de Waard, “Multi-agent system and AI for Explosive Ordnance Disposal," in 19th International Symposium Mine Action, 2023, p. 26.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]@inproceedings{ghisonimulti, title={Multi-agent system and AI for Explosive Ordnance Disposal}, author={Ghisoni, Enzo and Govindaraj, Shashank and Faul{\'\i}, Ana Mar{\'\i}a Casado and De Cubber, Geert and Polisano, Fabio and Aouf, Nabil and Rondao, Duarte and Chekakta, Zakaria and de Waard, Bob}, booktitle={19th International Symposium Mine Action}, publisher = {CEIA}, year = {2023}, project = {AIDED}, location = {Croatia}, unit= {meca-ras}, url={https://www.ctro.hr/userfiles/files/MINE-ACTION-2023_.pdf}, pages={26} }
- E. Ghisoni and G. De Cubber, “AIDED: Robotics & Artificial Intelligence for Explosive Ordnance Disposal," in International Workshop on Robotics for risky interventions and Environmental Surveillance-Maintenance (VRISE), Les Bons Villers, Belgium, 2022.
[BibTeX] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
This paper presents an overview of the AIDED project on AI for IED detection.
@InProceedings{ghisoni2022a, author = {Ghisoni, Enzo and De Cubber, Geert}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Robotics for risky interventions and Environmental Surveillance-Maintenance (VRISE)}, title = {AIDED: Robotics & Artificial Intelligence for Explosive Ordnance Disposal}, year = {2022}, month = jun, organization = {IMEKO}, publisher = {IMEKO}, address = {Les Bons Villers, Belgium}, url = {https://www.ici-belgium.be/registration-and-program-vrise2022-june-7/}, abstract = {This paper presents an overview of the AIDED project on AI for IED detection.}, project = {AIDED}, unit= {meca-ras} }
- Y. Baudoin, G. De Cubber, and E. Cepolina, “Mobile Robots Supporting Risky Interventions, Humanitarian actions and Demining, in particular the promising DISARMADILLO Tool," in Proceedings of TC17-VRISE2021 – A VIRTUAL Topical Event of Technical Committee on Measurement and Control of Robotics (TC17), International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), Theme: “Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance", Houston, TX, USA, 2021, pp. 5-6.
[BibTeX] [Download PDF]@INPROCEEDINGS{knvrise, author={Baudoin, Yvan and De Cubber, Geert and Cepolina, Emanuela}, booktitle={Proceedings of TC17-VRISE2021 - A VIRTUAL Topical Event of Technical Committee on Measurement and Control of Robotics (TC17), International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), Theme: "Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance"}, title={Mobile Robots Supporting Risky Interventions, Humanitarian actions and Demining, in particular the promising DISARMADILLO Tool}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={5-6}, url={https://mecatron.rma.ac.be/pub/2021/TC17-VRISE2021-Abstract%20Proceedings.pdf}, project={AIDED, Alphonse, MarSur, SSAVE, MarLand, iMUGs, ICARUS, TIRAMISU}, publisher={IMEKO}, address={Houston, TX, USA}, month=oct, unit= {meca-ras} }