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With the increasing accessibility of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) or drones, law enforcement agencies are faced with the new challenge of regulating access to the lower airspace and mitigating potential threats. To tackle this issue, the European Commission has initiated a communication to the Council and the European Parliament regarding the mitigation of potential threats posed by drones. The main goal of COURAGEOUS² is to assist DG-HOME in implementing this communication. This policy brief outlines specific action points identified by DG-HOME to address the escalating concerns associated with non-cooperative drones.

In order to implement these action points, COURAGEOUS² will leverage the outcomes of the COURAGEOUS project that paved the way towards a standard test methodology for counter-drone systems in order to gain a better common understanding by EU Law Enforcement Agencies of the performance of counter-drone solutions. The COURAGEOUS² project is a direct extension of this former COURAGEOUS project, with a reinforced consortium consisting of not less than 9 Law Enforcement Agencies with relevant operational experience in C-UAS operations from the Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Estonia and INTERPOL, complemented with academic, RTO & private partners with expertise in specific domains of the project.

The project will focus on the following main activities:

  • Community building, engaging with end-users, the C-UAS industry and relevant stakeholders through the organisation of regular workshops
  • Contributing to a digital platform containing information on drone incidents.
  • Implementing a harmonised testing methodology for counter-drone systems, building upon the groundwork laid in the COURAGEOUS project
  • Perform a mapping study to identify regulatory needs as an input to drive policies
  • Conducting performance tests following the COURAGEOUS protocols of C-UAS systems
  • Indexing and leveraging existing counter-drone training modules
  • Responsible information sharing to EU LEAs via the CIRCABC portal

European Commission

Internal Security Fund

2025 – 2028

3 M€

Under Construction

Project Publications