The global space economy is valued in the range of ca. EUR 330 billion in 2019. Over the past ten years, it has been growing annually by 6%, faster than global GDP (2.8%). One particular contribution to this growth has been “NewSpace”, a global trend encompassing a series of technological and business model innovations leading to a reduction in costs, shorter lifecycles, and a bolder approach to risk-taking in the space sector. Public institutions are looking for allowing a faster transition of technology developed in research labs to innovation in the private sector and encourage technological partnerships to develop new concepts and solutions. Today space assets and applications are recognised as enablers for digitalisation and instruments to help fighting and mitigating climate change.
In order to maintain and boost its competitiveness, the European industry needs to keep on continuously innovating to stay at the forefront of technological advancement and lead global industry trends. Europe needs a strategic top-down approach to space R&I funding, making sure that EU R&I efforts are orchestrated with the funding and support “offer” and also managing demand expectations in view of the broader ambitions reflected in the space strategy. This will require coordination with industry, academia, Member States and ESA with a clear international perspective on what is required to boost European space competitiveness through R&I.
STARS*EU provides the EU with an expert advisory team which provides a one-stop-shop support capable of delivering over four years detailed analyses, studies, stakeholder consultation and communication activities related to the programming and monitoring cycle of EU funded R&I in the space sector. In times of strongly contended budgets, Member States representatives and EU-level legislators will welcome timely status reports and early assessments of results to ensure that taxpayer’s money has an impact and is channelled appropriately for the benefit of the larger strategy.