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  • January 11, 2024
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European Commission European Defence Fund 2023 – 2027 5 M€ Miguel Freixo Emile Le Flécher Project website EDF website CONVOY project website The CONVOY (ClOud iNtelligent explosiVe detectiOn sYstem) project…

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  • January 26, 2020
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…of the human factors related to drone operations in the security domain read more iMUGs Preparing the next generation standardised European Unmanned Ground Vehicle read more SSAVE Shared situational awareness…

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  • September 15, 2020
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…on an existing unmanned ground vehicle and a specific list of payloads. European Commission European Defence Industrial Development Programme 2020 – 2023 32,6 M€ Emile Le Flécher Alexandre La Grappe…

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  • January 30, 2020
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Strategy-Oriented anaLysis Of the Market fOrces in EU defeNce is a research project that has received funding from the European Union’s Preparatory Action for Defence Research – PADR programme under…

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  • January 11, 2024
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European Commission European Defence Fund 2023 – 2027 5 M€ Ken Hasselmann Geert De Cubber Project website EDF website AIDEDeX (Artificial Intelligence for Detection of Explosive Ordnance Extended) aims to…

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Haris Balta

  • February 20, 2020
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…University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), from 2017, 2012 , 2010 and 2008, respectively. Haris has participated in the leading role in several large-scale European projects, such as ICARUS on…

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Geert De Cubber

  • February 19, 2020
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…developed by the {European} {Icarus} project}, year = {2013}, abstract = {This paper discusses the efforts of the European ICARUS project towards the development of unmanned search and rescue (SAR)…

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Aerial Robotics

  • January 15, 2020
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…for reducing the number of UAS incidents As more and more Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) come into operations, the risk of incidents also increases. Therefore, RMA performs research to support…

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Robotics Researcher

  • July 15, 2020
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…set the standard for the future military Unmanned Ground Vehicle, to be used by the armies of European Union member states. The successful candidate will be integrated in the Swarming…

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